About Us

Safe Water Canada Ltd. is an authorized Berkey Distributor of the Berkey® line of gravity-fed water filtration and purification products. We are proud to distribute the most powerful free-standing, portable, gravity-fed water filtration and purification systems available.
Our passion is to provide the cleanest, freshest and purest drinking water available anywhere and to provide our customers with the longest lasting filters available. Safe Water Canada’s focus is to provide exceptional products and service through integrity, commitment to our customers, the most rigorous testing in the industry and continual quality improvement. We look forward to being your supplier of the Berkey line of water filtration and purification products.
We’ve been researching wellness information for over 15 years. That journey has included food, water, air, EMF’s (Electro Magnetic Frequencies) and the environment. When the ‘Covid Crisis’ appeared our approach was to question it objectively as we have with all things. We formed a research group and have spent many many hours familiarizing ourselves with the findings of the world’s foremost virologists, pathologists, epidemiologists (and beyond) and have discovered that most of this expertise is being conspicuously censored. All of us have felt, in one form or another, the adverse effects of this ‘crisis’ and it has been through a willingness to share our information and experiences that we’ve been blessed to have many incredible connections with others who are similarly doing their own research.
When we discovered what is in our tap water our research led us to Berkey. We quickly became believers and eventually that confidence led us to become distributors of the Berkey line of water filtration and purification products. Similarly we’ve become passionate about modifying our living environments from the adverse effects of EMF’s. Our website offers only products that have proven themselves to be effective and that we ourselves use. We are passionate about providing exceptional wellness products, service through integrity and commitment to our customers. Thank you for supporting our Canadian owned small business!